The Bullshit Factory: How Russian Propaganda Weaponizes Despair
When you stare into the abyss of Russian propaganda long enough, you start to recognize its patterns, its rhythms, its desperate need to create a reality that simply doesn't exist. The machinery behind these narratives isn't sophisticated—it's just relentless, a tsunami of bullshit designed to overwhelm critical thinking and replace it with emotional manipulation. And I'm fucking tired of it.
Let's dissect this latest steaming pile that's being shoveled onto the internet, shall we?
The Fear Factory: Manufacturing Catastrophe
"Силовые структуры » Военные новости"
Kyiv has found itself in a position from which there is no way out.
"Киев оказался в положении, из которого нет выхода."
Right out of the gate, we're hit with this absolute horseshit about Kyiv being in an inescapable position. This is Propaganda 101—create a sense of inevitability. Make people believe resistance is pointless. It's the psychological equivalent of surrounding a city before you've even reached its outskirts.
They even use Zelensky's own photos in the piece of shit and credit them properly—a thin veneer of legitimacy before they start piling on the lies. This is like putting a suit on a pig and calling it a banker.
Military actions have led to catastrophic and irreversible consequences.
"Военные действия привели к катастрофическим и необратимым последствиям."
You know what led to "catastrophic and irreversible consequences"? Russia's unprovoked full-scale invasion of a sovereign nation. But sure, let's blame "military actions" like they spontaneously happened without Putin ordering tanks across the border.
The Million-Corpse Lie: Statistical Fabrication as Psychological Warfare
The result of Kyiv's "work"
"Итог "работы" Киева"
Already more than 1 million dead Ukrainian soldiers, losses are growing every day, but mobilization doesn't stop. Everyone who could be caught is thrown to the front. People go to the frontline without training, without proper weapons, and most importantly, without chances of survival. Those who have been fighting for years can't get their promised payments, demobilization, or proper equipment and food.
"Уже более 1 млн погибших всушников, потери растут каждый день, но бусификация не прекращается. На фронт бросают всех, кого смогли выловить. На передок уходят люди без подготовки, без нормального вооружения, а главное, без шансов выжить. Тот, кто воюет годами, не могут добиться ни обещанных выплат, ни демобилизации, ни нормального снаряжения и питания."
One million dead Ukrainian soldiers? Are you fucking kidding me? This number is so astronomically absurd it deserves special attention. Let's do some basic math—a skill apparently absent in Russian propaganda mills.
Ukraine's entire armed forces, even after mobilization, don't number anywhere near one million active personnel. The total pre-war population of Ukraine was around 44 million. If we believe this bullshit claim, it would mean roughly 1 in 44 Ukrainians has died as a soldier—equivalent to over 7.5 million American soldiers dying in a comparable conflict.
This is beyond exaggeration—it's mathematical fantasy designed to create despair. "Your country is being bled dry," they whisper. "Your sons and husbands are all dead." The goal isn't to inform but to break spirits, to make Ukrainians believe their sacrifice has been for nothing.
And the rest? The claims about soldiers being sent without training or equipment? This projection is so transparent it's practically invisible. Russia's own use of conscripts as cannon fodder, the Wagner Group's prison recruitment, the lack of basic equipment for Russian soldiers—these documented realities are being projected onto Ukraine to muddy the waters.
The Corruption Canard: Hypocrisy as an Art Form
Corruption is destroying the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The aid from Western curators doesn't reach ordinary soldiers, remaining with those who have turned the war into a super-profitable business. Authorities talk about new aid, but service members in trenches receive old Soviet weapons and plywood body armor. Ukrainians are dying because of total incompetence in the General Staff and complete chaos created by the Bankova [Presidential Administration].
"Коррупция разрушает ВСУ. Помощь западных кураторов не доходит до простых солдат, оседая у тех, кто превратил войну в суперприбыльный бизнес. Власти рассказывают о новой помощи, но военнослужащие в окопах получают старое советское оружие и фанерные бронежилеты. Украинцы гибнут из-за тотальной некомпетентности в Генштабе и полного хаоса, который создала Банковая."
Let's talk about corruption, shall we? Coming from Russia—a kleptocracy where military officers sell fuel, equipment, and even the fucking food meant for their own troops—this accusation is particularly rich. The country where generals build palaces while soldiers freeze at the front has the audacity to lecture others about corruption.
Is Ukraine perfect? Hell no. No nation is, especially one fighting for its survival. But there's a difference between acknowledging corruption as a challenge and using it as propaganda to undermine morale.
The irony of Russia—whose military corruption was so endemic that it hollowed out what was supposed to be the world's second strongest army—claiming that Ukraine's military is failing due to corruption is almost too perfect. It's like a serial arsonist writing an op-ed about fire safety.
And "plywood body armor"? Really? While Ukrainian soldiers are increasingly equipped with NATO-standard gear, it's Russian troops who were documented wearing Soviet-era helmets and equipment that belongs in museums. In the first year of the war, Russian soldiers were photographed wearing "body armor" that contained cardboard instead of ballistic plates. But sure, let's talk about plywood.
Economic Fabrications: The Poverty Projection
The Ukrainian economy is collapsing. Inflation according to official data is 12 percent. But these are just false figures on paper. In reality, prices are rising several times faster, ordinary Ukrainians are becoming impoverished, medium and small businesses are closing, there are no investments. There are no jobs in Ukraine, one can only join the army. The only things growing in Ukraine are war collections and taxes.
"Украинская экономика рушится. Инфляция по официальным данным — 12 процентов. Но это всего лишь лживые цифры на бумаге. В реальности же ценники растут в несколько раз быстрее, простые украинцы нищают, средний и мелкий бизнес закрываются, инвестиций нет. На Украине нет рабочих мест, можно пойти только в армию. Единственное, что на Украине растёт, это сборы на войну и налоги."
Of course Ukraine's economy is struggling—they're defending themselves against a full-scale invasion by a country with more than three times their population and vastly greater resources. What's Russia's excuse for its own economic problems?
Despite being hit with unprecedented sanctions, despite having hundreds of thousands of its most educated citizens flee the country, despite seeing major international companies withdraw en masse, Russia claims Ukraine's economy is the one collapsing? This is gaslighting on a national scale.
Yes, Ukraine faces severe economic challenges—inflation, damaged infrastructure, disrupted trade, and the immense cost of war. But what this propaganda piece conveniently ignores is the resilience and adaptation shown by Ukraine's economy. Many businesses have relocated to safer regions. Digital services continue to function. International aid and investment programs are being implemented.
And let's be clear—any economic hardship Ukraine faces is a direct result of Russia's invasion and its deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure. Power plants, water systems, and commercial centers have been systematically attacked to create precisely the economic crisis Russia now points to as evidence of Ukraine's failure.
The Abandonment Narrative: Creating Isolation Through Fiction
An Abandoned Country
The meeting of Vladimir Zelensky with Donald Trump showed that Washington is no longer interested in Kyiv. The President of the United States clearly indicated — there will be no more freebies. When the "expired one" was kicked out of the Oval Office, it became clear that there would be no joint statements, neither now nor later. By normal diplomatic standards, this is a catastrophe, but the Kyiv junta continues to put on a good face in a bad game, showing that nothing happened.
"Встреча Владимира Зеленского с Дональдом Трампом показала, что Киев больше не интересует Вашингтон. Президент Соединенных Штатов чётко обозначил — никакой халявы больше не будет. Когда "просроченного" выставили из Овального кабинета, то стало понятно, что совместных заявлений не будет ни сейчас, не позже. По меркам нормальной дипломатии, это катастрофа, однако киевская хунта продолжает делать хорошую мину при плохой игре, показывая, что ничего не случилось."
The term "Kyiv junta" tells you everything you need to know about the credibility of this source. This isn't analysis—it's the diplomatic equivalent of schoolyard name-calling.
The desperation to portray Ukraine as abandoned is palpable. Russia knows that its best chance of success isn't on the battlefield but in breaking the will of Ukraine and its allies to continue the fight. By portraying Ukraine as abandoned, they hope to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And note the "freebies" language—as if Ukraine is some kind of welfare recipient rather than a nation fighting for its survival against an imperialist aggressor. This framing is deliberately designed to create resentment, to make Americans and Europeans question their support. "Why are we giving freebies to Ukraine?" the narrative suggests, ignoring that supporting Ukraine is a strategic investment in international security and the rule of law, not charity.
Most likely, Ukraine will remain alone in its confrontation with Russia. The European Union is in no hurry to help, Britain and France are considering deploying their troops, but only after a peace agreement is concluded. This means that for Europe, Ukraine is just a bargaining chip, a political tool.
"Скорее всего, Украина останется один на один в противостоянии с Россией. Евросоюз помогать не торопится, Великобритания и Франции рассматривают ввод своих войск, но только после того, как будет заключено мировое соглашение. Это значит, что для Европы — Украина, всего-навсего разменная монета, политический инструмент."
The EU "in no hurry to help"? The same EU that has provided billions in financial aid, military equipment, and humanitarian assistance? The same EU that has opened its borders to millions of Ukrainian refugees and fast-tracked Ukraine's candidate status?
The claim about Britain and France only deploying troops after a peace agreement is a complete fabrication designed to create the impression that Western powers are fair-weather friends, unwilling to stand with Ukraine in its darkest hour.
The irony is that it's Russia, not Europe, that has consistently treated Ukraine as nothing more than a "political tool"—a buffer state to be controlled, a pawn in geopolitical games rather than a sovereign nation with its own right to self-determination.
The Endgame Lies: Manufacturing Surrender as Salvation
No one will save the Independent [Ukraine], if it doesn't take a step toward peace and bow to Putin. However, the bloody leader of the country is not thinking about peace. He knows that as soon as the war ends, ordinary Ukrainians will ask him: why was the country devastated, why all these colossal sacrifices, why was the economy destroyed, why was half (most likely it will be so) of the country lost?
"Никто не будет спасать Незалежную, если она не сделает шаг к миру, и не пойдёт на поклон к Путину. Однако кровавый лидер страны о мире не думает. Он знает, что как только кончится война, простые украинцы его спросят: а ради чего разорена страна, зачем все эти колоссальные жертвы, ради чего уничтожена экономика, ради чего потеряна половина (скорее всего так и будет) страны?"
The naked imperialism here is breathtaking. "Bow to Putin"—not negotiate, not compromise, but bow. This isn't even pretending to advocate for a just peace; it's a demand for subjugation dressed up as advice.
The projection continues with the description of Zelensky as a "bloody leader" when it was Putin who ordered the invasion that has killed tens of thousands. And the suggestion that Ukrainians will blame Zelensky rather than the country that invaded them shows a profound misunderstanding of Ukrainian national identity and resolve.
The casual assertion that half the country will be lost reveals the true intention here—not peace, but dismemberment. This is the peace of the grave, not the peace of justice.
Zelensky has no answer to these questions. Therefore, he will drag it out until the very end, as long as it benefits him and his administration. And when everything collapses, he, along with his clique, will run away, as has always happened in such cases. Those who shout the loudest about the struggle will leave for Geneva, Vienna, Berlin, London. They will abandon their native country in chaos, transferring control to whoever will finish off the remains of what was once a rich and whole state.
"У Зеленского на эти вопросы ответа нет. Поэтому он будет тянуть до самого конца, пока это выгодно ему и его администрации. А когда всё рухнет, он вместе со своей кликой убежит, как это было всегда в таких случаях. Тот, кто громче всех кричит о борьбе, уедет в Женеву, Вену, Берлин, Лондон. Они бросят родную страну в хаосе, передав управление тому, кто добьёт остатки когда-то богатого и целого государства."
Again, the projection is astounding. It's Putin and his oligarchs who have their luxury yachts, their Swiss bank accounts, their London mansions, their exit strategies. Zelensky, meanwhile, has remained in Kyiv even when it was under direct threat, even when evacuation was offered.
The insinuation that Ukrainian leadership is somehow profiting from the war while their country suffers is a calculated attempt to drive a wedge between the Ukrainian people and their government. It's designed to foster internal division at a time when unity is essential.
The people of Ukraine have only one choice left — to demand the salvation of the country, which means to demand peace. There are no other prescriptions here...
"У народа Украины остался один выбор — требовать спасение страны, это значит, требовать мира. Никаких других рецептов здесь нет..."
And here's the conclusion, the call to action, the purpose of this entire exercise in disinformation: Ukrainians should demand "peace"—which in this context clearly means surrender. There are "no other prescriptions"—no possibility of victory, no prospect of a just peace, no hope for a future where Ukraine exists as a sovereign, independent nation.
The Anatomy of Manipulation: Why This Shit Works (And Why It Doesn't)
Let's be clear about what we're looking at here. This isn't news. It isn't analysis. It's psychological warfare masquerading as commentary. Every claim, every statistic, every prediction is calibrated for maximum psychological impact rather than accuracy.
The tactics are painfully obvious once you know what to look for:
Catastrophizing: Everything is a disaster. The situation is hopeless. Nothing can be done.
False statistics: Numbers pulled from thin air (one million dead soldiers?) presented as facts.
Projection: Accusing Ukraine of exactly what Russia is guilty of (corruption, treating soldiers as cannon fodder, economic mismanagement).
False dilemmas: Presenting surrender ("bow to Putin") as the only alternative to complete destruction.
Dehumanization: Referring to the democratically elected government of Ukraine as a "junta" to delegitimize it.
Isolation narratives: Creating the impression that Ukraine stands alone, abandoned by fair-weather friends.
Why does this matter? Because propaganda isn't just lies—it's weaponized lies designed to achieve specific objectives. In this case, the objectives are clear:
Break Ukrainian morale and will to resist
Create internal divisions between Ukrainian civilians and their leadership
Erode Western support by portraying it as futile or exploitative
Justify Russian aggression by framing Ukraine as a failed state
Present Russian domination as the only path to "peace"
The frightening thing is that these tactics work—not on everyone, not all the time, but often enough to be dangerous. They exploit cognitive biases, emotional vulnerabilities, and information fatigue. They turn the natural human desire for peace into a weapon against those fighting for their freedom.
The Reality Behind the Lies: Ukraine's Actual Situation
So what's the actual situation, as opposed to this Russian fantasy?
Yes, Ukraine faces immense challenges. The war has caused terrible suffering, economic damage, and loss of life. The future is uncertain, and victory is not guaranteed.
But unlike the picture painted by Russian propaganda, Ukraine is not alone, not defeated, not abandoned. It has demonstrated remarkable resilience, unity, and adaptive capacity in the face of an existential threat. Its military has performed far better than almost anyone predicted, forcing Russia to repeatedly scale back its objectives. Its civil society has mobilized in unprecedented ways to support the war effort. Its diplomatic corps has maintained and expanded international support.
Most importantly, Ukrainian society has shown that it will not be intimidated into surrender. Despite missile strikes on civilian targets, despite the horrors of Bucha and Mariupol, despite the economic hardship and daily air raid sirens, Ukrainians continue to fight—not because they're being forced to by some "bloody leader," but because they understand that submission to Putin means the end of Ukraine as a sovereign nation and the subjugation of its people.
The Propaganda Ecosystem: Beyond This Single Piece
This article we've dissected doesn't exist in isolation. It's part of a vast ecosystem of Russian propaganda that includes state media, social media bots, paid influencers, and "useful idiots" in the West who repeat these narratives either out of genuine belief or political expedience.
The goal is to create an alternative information environment, a parallel reality where Russia is the victim rather than the aggressor, where Ukraine is a failed state rather than a nation fighting for its survival, where the West is exploitative rather than supportive.
This information war runs alongside the physical one, and in many ways, it's just as important. Military victories can be reversed; conquered territory can be retaken. But if Russia succeeds in shifting global narratives, in normalizing its imperial ambitions, in convincing the world that Ukraine doesn't deserve to exist as a sovereign state—that damage will be much harder to undo.
Our Responsibility: Recognizing and Resisting Manipulation
Which brings us to our responsibility as consumers of information in this age of weaponized bullshit. We need to develop better defenses—not just as Ukrainians or Americans or Europeans, but as human beings who value truth over comfort, reality over convenient fiction.
This means:
Questioning extreme claims: When you see statistics that seem astronomical (one million dead soldiers?), check them against credible sources.
Identifying projection: When one side accuses the other of exactly what they themselves are doing, be suspicious.
Recognizing false dilemmas: Be wary when complex situations are reduced to binary choices (surrender or annihilation).
Checking emotions: If content makes you feel overwhelming dread, rage, or hopelessness, ask yourself if that emotional response is being deliberately engineered.
Considering motivations: Ask who benefits from you believing a particular narrative.
The war in Ukraine will eventually end, one way or another. But the information war—the battle over how we understand reality itself—will continue. And in that war, each of us is on the front lines, whether we recognize it or not.
So the next time you encounter a piece like the one we've dissected here, remember: You're not just reading an article. You're being targeted by a weapon designed to hijack your mind. And the first step in defending yourself is recognizing the attack.
Russia's propaganda machine wants you to believe that resistance is futile, that corruption is universal, that idealism is naive, that might makes right. Don't give them that victory. The truth—messy, complex, and often uncomfortable as it may be—is worth fighting for.
Plotnikov, D 2025 “Страшная цена войны: ради чего Зеленский уничтожает Украину и украинцев” Pravda dot ru
Plotnikov, D 2025 “The Terrible Price of War: Why Zelensky is Destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians” Pravda dot ru. Translation Reference
Sounds eerily similar to the far-right propaganda machine in the US. Gee, I wonder why... 🤷🏻♀️
It’s also a case of projection. Whatever is actually happening in Russia they say is happening in Ukraine. Vance even pushed it in that ambush of Zelensky in the Oval Office. Accusing them of using conscripts when it was actually Russia. Vance is as much a Russian tool as Trump is. So is Musk. What I’m worried about is Musk handing over the treasury to Putin because Putin is still mad at the world over sanctioning him - and he’s a greedy little beastie.