Before we dive into our latest content, we invite you to explore our sister publications within The Thistle and Fern Family. Each of these carefully curated resources complements our mission while offering unique perspectives on various aspects of spiritual practice. Together, we form a comprehensive network of knowledge, supporting your journey through different facets of earth-centered spirituality. Do you want to join the Friends of Wendy Network? Ding Wendy and ask. She is a spicy bitch.
The Poet Miranda
Hi, I’m Miranda. I’m a trans woman and a poet.
Welcome to my poetry page. I share one (or more) original poems each week and two poems I’ve chosen from the public domain (under current U.S. copyright laws, that includes poems published prior to January 1, 1930) along with some brief notes about my poem selections. Each poem is accompanied by a video of my reading. Videos are crossposted on YouTube, and audio is available on Apple Podcasts and Overcast.
Perverted Justice
Shut up! I am too a floozy. This is Crip Dyke of my dearest of friends, and the reason that Wendy the Druid is here. If she had not like my shitty ass post one day, I might not be here on Substack doing all this shit for you all.
Hello! Thank you for reading. It anyone would like to donate to help support my writing, you can do so at PayPal using my email: Thanks for reading! bPNWc
The Lotus Construct
Thoughts from an outcast on life and humanity's path forward. Millennial, she/they, survivor, BFFs with all the Shadows you're afraid to see within yourself.
Emotional Interoperability
Juno a transgender woman 👸who's also a integration engineer💾, writer, poet, painter. Dad. Usually found making weird art or memes. Hopeful to make this a beacon for more writing and nerdy yet emotional ramblings. 🌈