I've been writing for months now, day in and day out. As a Druid, I find it therapeutic in a way that connects with nature itself. My frustrations melt away, and the very thoughts that consume my innermost attention (often stressing me the fuck out) flow onto the pages in ways that seem utterly and totally magical. So yes, why the fuck wouldn't I share my works with everyone else? I most certainly will, with all the fervor I can muster.
Book 1: A Druid's Healing Path
My first book will focus on the Herbalist handbook, the aptly titled collection of posts known as Wendy's Healing Compendium. More people ask me about publishing this than any other content I create. And yes, as a Druid woman, I'm inclined and inspired to publish it. When the apocalypse happens and all the world's infrastructure disappears, there will still be plants, roots, and trunks—and with them, all manner of ways to heal others, just as Mother Earth intended from the start.
Book 2: A Druid's Healing Journey: The Pain
My biographical work will trace the jagged path I've walked, from the shadow-filled valleys of abuse to the sunlit peaks of self-discovery. My history runs deep and, for those who know, is filled with trauma. I've written lengthy texts over the years to process and cope with it. More than once, those who have read these texts have said, "Wendy, you should publish this." But I've always been too afraid—until now. This book pulses in my heart like a second heartbeat, carrying the weight of trauma but also the lightness of transformation. Through its pages, I will chronicle how I emerged from darkness into light, how I found the courage to embrace my true self as a trans person, and how the very act of surviving became an art form all its own. A survival I was sure I'd never live through. And yet, here I remain.
Book 3: A Druid's Healing Thoughts: The Calm
My third effort will be to collect all the Druid meditations I've written (we're up to a good 100 or so now, with a few thousand more to come) and share them with all of you. I wish I could strike a deal with Enya to make the book play her music when you open it, but I'm not sure the technology exists (nor do I possess the funding). Still, the meditations themselves are relaxing and calming. And I want to share that with you all. Naturally, of course. (Druid joke there).
Book 4: A Druid's Healing Emotions
Finally, there will be a beacon of understanding and hope for my queer family both real and chosen — a book that cradles our unique experiences with tender recognition. Over the years, I've wrestled with many personal questions, and often the answers were hard-won and difficult to accept. "Will I ever be fucking enough?" I still ask myself this even today. But what I really want is to share my experience while imparting the shared wisdom of others who have walked this path. It will be the book I wished for during my own journey, a gentle companion for others walking similar paths. I had to go it alone (at least initially) with no support, and that fucking sucks. A LOT.
How do you capture the essence of healing, both physical and emotional? How do you crawl through that river of shit and come out clean on the other end? Maybe we should ask Andy Dufresne. How do you distill years of pain and triumph into pages that might help others? How does one translate the whispers of nature into human language, or map the territory of emotional wisdom?
This would be easier if it was spring when we could get outside and appreciate nature.
This makes our day Wendy!!!!